Sunday, March 7, 2010

Complex Toddler Emotions

It's been a tough month for my kids. Grace was sick, Laura was in the hospital for a week while Grace got shipped off to my parents, we went to Mexico and as soon as we returned began packing to move to our new place. On Saturday the truck arrives to take us to our new house.

Through it all my children have been incredibly well-tempered and patient with me but last week things started to get difficult.

Laura has compensated for all of the upheaval in her world by being quieter and more cuddly. I have always thought of Grace as a very strong personality but I'm beginning to see a need for approval and validation underneath.

It all started on Wednesday when Grace announced that she wanted to wear Laura's clothes. I found one bigger shirt that she was able to squeeze into and then went on a shopping expedition to get matching shirts and dresses. More recently Grace has wanted soothers, blankets, cuddles, and to be carried where ever we go.

It's really not that big of a deal but my heart hurts. I love my children and I want them to feel secure in themselves and their lives. I've been trying to give Grace more one-on-one time with me and let her regress to a baby without making judgement. But I don't know what else to do.

Laura went for a ride in the excersaucer much to Grace's disapproval. Grace then tried to cram herself into it. I think it's pretty cute.

They wouldn't pose together, but this is one of the matching outfits.

Everything that I have read says that this is a common thing to happen in times of stress for children. But I don't want my child to be stressed or confused. I never knew that toddlers could feel such complex emotions.